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Programs For DOS

.Written in C with some assembly for increased speed.

  • Animal Activity Monitor
    Pulse LED's and scan photodetectors every 55 ms. Analyze beam breaks based upon selected algorithms and store summary for intervals. Optionally store beam changes in sparse matrix format. Selections available to read summary data file and produce reports. Also possible to read beam change file and merge with topographical information to report activity in areas.

  • Shaker Motor Controller
    Received phase and amplitude information serially from Unix host computer, converted to lead/lag pulses & sent to a motor controller. Read motor position information from controller in real-time to calculate pulses. Interfaced to 4 motors on shaker table.

  • Cell Activity Capture
    Input pulses from neuron cells & store pulse activity. Organize in histogram, scale & display in real-time. Use activity file to reduce data into histogram displays based upon selected intervals. Save selected data by time into ASCII pulse data file for input into statistical programs.

  • ATE Program
    Interfaced specialized test box to control a Unit Under Test and receive the resulting response. Created an interpretive test language specific to the setup. This allowed the users to create programs for several related products and modify the program as the products changed. Displayed messages, instructions, failures and queried for re-tests. Printed UUT failure report.

  • Startle Response
    Allowing the creation of a test paradigm, i.e. a set of times to control outputs and monitor inputs. These can be strung together with a specified interval in between. Response is then collected during each trial by using an A/D through a DMA channel. Data can be graphed and summary statistics displayed as each trial is progressing. Stored binary data can be reduced for reports